Annual Report – Pastor Jim Cords

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,  just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love.”   Ephesians 1:2-4


This is my third annual report as Bethel’s Lead (Senior) Pastor.  At the first Annual meeting as Lead Pastor, I introduced “A Dwelling Place for God” a vision and mission document.  At the second, I recommended a trial using a new structure for leadership, separating the Council and the Ministry Leads.  I also stated that it is difficult not to be guided more by fear than faith.  I said that if I were not afraid I would: 1) restructure the leadership 2) hire a Children’s Ministry Coordinator 3) offer a different combination of worship services on Sunday mornings and 4) bring projection capability into the sanctuary.  I am very pleased that we have accomplished 3 of these.  And that the 4th is being actively pursued. 


But these have not been easy years at Bethel.  Faithful ministry probably never is easy.  The economy has hit our valley very hard.  A number of our dear friends and partners in ministry have moved away.  Many of you are struggling hard with adjustments in your work and income.  I thank you for your faithfulness to Bethel and to God in the midst of these challenges.  The people of this valley need the Church.  We are called by God to proclaim the hope of Jesus Christ to them (ourselves included).  As we faithfully use our gifts and share in love the hope that is ours, the witness that we bring shines even brighter in the midst of these darker times.


Change is difficult.  The changes is this community and society require us to adapt how we do what we do to Glorify God and Edify Others.  Yet we have the abiding promise of God to dwell in our hearts through the Holy Spirit and to work in and through us to accomplish God’s purpose in our world.  Thanks be to God.


In the coming year we will be: launching the Crossways Bible Study (already approx. 70 people are signed up), continuing to strengthen our worship with increased team work and talented staff (the team of Norita Hoegel and Barbary Grant promises to be a great work of God in our midst), and it is my hope that we can move forward with the Visual Connection in the sanctuary.


We do all that we do while facing the challenges that come.  It has been an exceeding joy to be in ministry with Dorothy Meyer.  Her faithfulness is rock solid, her attention to detail is exceedingly helpful, and her creativity and smile the source of great joy.  As Dorothy retires, we celebrate all that God has done through her and place our trust in God that he will raise up those same gifts in others to continue to enrich our life together.


It is my prayer for each person who is a partner in the mission of Christ through Bethel, that we each find joy and meaning in serving according to the gifts and passions God has given us.  May we each know the peace of Christ who dwells within us and who empowers us to go out into our world and relationships as bearers of hope and new life in Jesus. 


Our Mission is to prayerfully invite and welcome others into a relationship with God; grow and equip one another to be devoted followers of Jesus Christ; and care for and serve others in the power of the Holy Spirit.


I am yours in Christ, 

Pastor Jim Cords