Bethel Lutheran School

2002 Annual Administrative Report

Submitted by Yvonne K. Waters, Principal


2002/2003 School Theme


Wonderful Saving Love




For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son so that

everyone who believes in him may not parish but have eternal life.

                                                                                                            John 3:16



The school family is fortunate to be a ministry of Bethel Lutheran Church.  As a part of this larger community in Christ, we are proud of the discipleship that is present every day within the school, and proud of the contributions we make to Bethel Lutheran’s Mission. Bethel Lutheran School continues to have a dedicated, professional staff, wonderful children, and enthusiastic and generous parents.


We have experienced another year that has been challenged by the economy, but more importantly a year that has been highlighted by great learning opportunities and joy filled memories for our students, parents and staff.  We continue to celebrate the many ways our Father always provides for us, by allowing us financial abundance from past years to support our more difficult times. We are thankful for our Savior’s grace and presence spiritually, physically and financially. He will provide what we need, and we are confident in His word.






Student Outreach to the Community:



We remember with love and admiration the years of dedication to the school’s ministry that Win Wiggin gave to us.  What she did for Bethel School is a blessing and gift to our past students, our present day students, and will make a difference in the lives of children yet to enroll.  We also grieve the death of Eugene Koenig, who attended our school for many years.  Eugene was far too young to go, however he left us heartfelt memories of his childhood, his bravery, and his many talents and faith.


My sincere appreciation is extended to the School Board for their leadership and continued support of Bethel Lutheran School’s students, staff and programs.  Also to acknowledge the dedication and love of this ministry displayed by all the teachers and staff of Bethel Lutheran School.  I am indebted to them for their continued optimism, vision and faith without a salary increase since 2001.  We all owe them so very much for their professionalism and their discipleship.


This is a great place to work, and it is a pleasure for me to be a part of this family.  Thank you.  Please continue to pray for your school, and if you have a great idea, question or just want to visit, please stop by my office.

In Christ’s love,

Yvonne K. Waters