Automated Giving to Bethel Lutheran Church

Move your stewardship plan into action by sharing your gifts through automated giving from your bank account. With automatic giving, your gifts are given consistently and there is no need to “catch-up” at year-end or worry about forgotten checkbooks or missed Sunday offerings. Bethel also benefits from steady, more predictable revenues throughout the year and greater confidence in meeting its financial commitments.

Your bank most likely offers this option, or if you are a Quicken user you can set up automatic and regular giving. You just need to provide Bethel’s name and address to your bank or Quicken:

Bethel Lutheran Church
10181 Finch Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014

Another option is to enroll in Thrivent’s program called Simply Giving. To get started with Simply Giving, print out the Vanco Authorization Form[PDF Document] and fill in your choice for amount and frequency of your gifts. You can choose to use either a checking account or a credit card. For a checking account, please attach a voided check. Return the form to the church by dropping it in the offering plate on Sundays, mailing it to the church office, or stopping by the church office during the week from 8:30 to 4:00. If you are already enrolled in Simply Giving, you can use this same form to make changes to the amount or frequency of your gifts. For questions, contact Fara Brock or call the church office at (408) 252-8500.