Bible Text

Search the Bible (in NRSV translation) at oremus Bible Browser[Offsite Link].

Search other English translations and other languages at[Offsite Link].

Bible Study Tools

Find a wealth of resources to help you grow in your faith, add depth to your Bible studies and truly discover the people, places and events of the Bible at Luther Seminary’s Enter the Bible Project[Offsite Link].

Downloadable daily bible study resources can be found on the ELCA website[Offsite Link].

Find the scripture lessons for the next Sunday on the Lectionary Page[Offsite Link] of the ELCA website.

Find resources on the Common Lectionary, Scripture Study, Worship Links, and Resources (incl. art index and movie index) at[Offsite Link].

Register with Daily Bible[Offsite Link] and receive a chapter a day via email.*

Subscribe to the weekly The Bible Study Podcast[Offsite Link].*

*These tools are managed by Bethel member Chris Christensen.

Lutheran Links

Find the full text of selected works of Martin Luther at the Wittenberg Project[Offsite Link].

Find information on the history of the ELCA[Offsite Link].

Find the ELCA’s Social Statements on this section of the ELCA website[Offsite Link].

Find information about the Women of the ELCA (WELCA)[Offsite Link].

Read The Lutheran Magazine[Offsite Link] online.