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Bethel Lutheran School
Missional Church

Missional Church edited by Darrell L. Guder is a book that has been provided to each of the clergy under call of the Sierra Pacific Synod. This gift was given as a memorial of the late Pastor Noman M. Schnaible. Bishop Robert Mattheis is recommending, and through the memorial providing, that this book be read and studied in our congregations. Pastor David Place and I (Pastor Jim Cords) read the book and quickly agreed with Bishop Mattheis that this book has great value in our theological understanding of the Church.

Bethel Lutheran Church has worked in recent years to develop a Long Range Plan. We are now in the first year of executing this plan. Although it may appear somewhat backwards in its order, the study that we have just completed has provided an excellent theological foundation for the Long Range Plan that we as a congregation are now implementing.

The slides and notes are largely made up of quotes from the book which we believe summarize and provide an excellent beginning point for conversation about the Christian Church and who we are called and sent to be. Please use these resources as a beginning point to start your thinking and allow your conversations to go wherever the Holy Spirit would lead you in the context of your life and ministry..

From Sending to Being Sent & Understanding the North American Context Pastor Jim Notes Slides
Understanding the Church in North America Pastor Dave Notes
Called and Sent to Represent the Reign of God Pastor Jim Notes Slides
The Church as Apostle to the World Pastor Jim Notes Slides
Cultivation Communities of the Holy Spirit Pastor Jim Notes Slides
Equipping God's People for Mission Pastor Jim Notes Slides
The Particular Community Pastor Jim Notes Slides
The Community of Communities in Mission Pastor Dave Notes

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Last updated July 25, 1999