HOME house


March 12, 2000

What do Member's Think?

Duckie :

"It turned out to be a more powerful thing than I expected!"

Tom :

"I think it is really cool! What a great opportunity to present Christ in a new and relevant way to a younger generation."

Nate Frambach :

"I think more congregations need to risk thinking about new ways of how to reach people that haven’t always been reached. This is done right!"

David :

"It has a lot of really good energy! It’s good to see people that we don’t usually see. And people who’ve been in the youth in the past are coming."

Andy :

"I really, really enjoy this time here! It’s good to have parents and other adults come and see where church fits for the younger generation."

Darren :

I'm excited about seeing new faces here every time. "It is really great to experience the growth. Praise God for what he’s doing!"

Kristy :

"It has a kick-back atmosphere."


"It is exciting, youthful fellowship!"

Rita :

"Fabulous! I love the spirit of the people!"

Rich :

"Nice, different form of worship."

Jennifer, Becky, Emily, Beth, Kary, Janet, Jeanna.

"It’s cool! It’s lots of fun! We like the music! It’s exciting! We like singing! It feels like a youth gathering: the singing, the fellowship, the coffee.."

What do Newcomers Expect?

Erik :

"Fun, good music."

Jenny :

"A new idea.

Shawne :

"I feel it is going to be a very good evening. Everybody seems real friendly.

Ariel :

"People here are so musically gifted so I’m excited to worship God with them!"

Rebecca :

"I always enjoy fellowship being at new places and meeting fellow Christians."

Mark :

"It’s a technical challenge to set it all up and make it work but rewarding to see it fall into place and have everyone get something out of it."

Peter :

"I love the informal atmosphere! It’s great to worship through singing."

Beth and Janet
Steve :

"The web site gave me an idea of what to expect. I’m curious to find out what happens here."

Matt :

"A good worship experience."

Laurie :

"No expectations. Just curious."

Shawne :

"Incredible! And real!"


Last updated January 15, 2008