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Year-to-Date Financial News

General Fund Giving through June 30:
Close the Gap giving:
$ 72,847

Benevolence Spending

Benevolence Giving by Bethel in the Fiscal Year July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001.

Each year, Bethel gives 10% of our General Fund Income to other agencies to further God's work around the world. A portion of our gifts also support the ELCA and the work of our regional synod. In addition to our 10% tithe, extra contributions received from members for specific agencies are sent out as directed. The following report details our giving for Fiscal Year 2001.

Fiscal Year 2001 Income (including Close the Gap)
$ 88,668
Carryover from FY2000
$ 100
Total to Designate
$ 88,768
Sierra Pacific Synod
$ 41,579
Lutheran Community Church, Watsonville
$ 10,500
Mt. Cross Lutheran Camp
$ 6,000
ELCA Missionary Support (Steenburgs in Japan)
$ 5,000
Esperanza (Mission to Mexico)
$ 4,700
Good Shepherd, Torrance
$ 3,000
Sunny View Lutheran Home
$ 2,699
Santa Clara Valley Lutheran Parish
$ 2,500
Lutheran Social Service
$ 2,200
San Jose Family Shelter
$ 2,000
Cupertino Community Services
$ 1,990
ELCA Hunger
$ 1,500
Campus Crusade
$ 1,100
Santa Clara Council of Churches
$ 1,000
Tanzania Mission
$ 1,000
Albania Mission
$ 500
Support Seminary Student
$ 500
Sunnyvale FISH
$ 500
Advent Ministries
$ 500
Total Designated:
$ 88,768
Other funds sent through extra contributions:
Disaster Relief (Lutheran World Relief)
$ 2,591
San Jose Family Shelter
$ 1,495
Lutheran Social Services
$ 250
Gloria Dei Lord's Pantry
$ 400
Advent Group Ministries
$ 165
Navajo Lutheran Mission
$ 640
Missionary Support (Steenbergs)
$ 1,077
Total Additional Funds:
$ 6,618
Total July-June Benevolence:
$ 95,386


Last updated January 15, 2008