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Bethel's Network Ministry

"For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another." Romans 12: 4-8

"I’d like to serve at Bethel – if I knew how to find a role that’s right for me!"
"I speak a second language"
"I like reading to children"
"I like quilting"
"Evening activities are hard for our family on school days"
"I don't like public speaking"
"I’m concerned about the ‘have-nots’ in Silicon Valley"
"I enjoy fixing things"
"People tell me I’m good at explaining things"
"I’d like to help the seniors in our area"
"I’d like to get involved, but I can’t make a long-term commitment"
"I like working with a few people I know"
"I like meeting new people and doing large group activities"

Bethel now has a way to match you with service opportunities that match your interests, talents and style…

Most believers want to serve. Most believers know they should serve. But many believers don't know how they can best serve.

Network has been created to assist you in the identification of your God-given passion, spiritual gifts, and personal style so that you can make your unique contribution in a meaningful place of service.

Just as the human body cannot function properly unless each part provides its unique function, the church cannot function as God intended without all believers doing their part in the body of Christ. Do you know where God has gifted you to serve?

Join us and discover what you do best in the body of Christ! Bethel, through the Network Ministry, is committed to having the right people in the right places for the right reasons.

Step One


Discovery Sessions have been carefully designed to help you better understand who God has made you to be. Discover the purpose of the church and your unique role within it. Building upon a Biblical foundation, practical insights are developed through a variety of presentations using videos, Power Point, and small group interaction.

Step Two


Your passion, spiritual gifts, and personal style compose your Servant Profile. The next step is a one-on-one consultation with a trained Bethel Network Consultant who will assist you in connecting your Servant Profile with appropriate ministry needs and opportunities in the church and community. As we consider your Servant Profile, we also consider your stage and season in life.

There is a place for you!

Step Three


The goal of Network ministry is service. If you are unsure of where and how you have been called to best serve in Christ, Network is for YOU!

Next Discovery Seminar

There are no sessions secuduled at this time.

Discovery Sessions have been carefully designed to help you better understand who God has made you to be. Building upon a Biblical foundation, practical insights are developed through a variety of presentations and small group interactions. You will be assisted in identifying your God-given passion, spiritual gifts and personal style, so that you can make your unique contribution.

Please contact Kaye Kuhlmann if you have any questions.

Eighty six people, who have completed the Network Ministry's Discovery Sessions, have found it helpful. Come join us!


Last updated January 15, 2008